Sandhill Crane Family with Adopted Gosling
In early May 2019, a Sandhill Crane family hatched a Canada Goose egg. This came about by a Sandhill Crane pair building a nest and a Canada Goose taking it over long enough to lay an egg in it. The Sandhill Cranes chased off the Goose, but allowed the egg to stay. The Goose was hatched, and then their Sandhill Crane egg hatched a few days later. The Sandhill Cranes adopted the Canada Goose gosling as one of their own. They cared for it along with their Sandhill Crane chick (which is called a "colt.") The National Audubon Society wrote about this amazing family: This Sandhill Crane Couple Adopted a Baby Goose.
Selected prints of this family are available in my shop.
The Sandhill Crane family hatched the Canada Goose egg on May 2nd. The Sandhill Crane egg hatched a few days later on May 5th. The family looked after the colt and the goose, feeding them both the same diet (which was lots of worms!) The Goose added greens to his diet by eating grasses as well. Over the two months they were together, the Goose and the colt would lay next to each other in the grass during naps and would race each other down the nature trails. I discovered Goose was missing from the family on the evening of July 8th. I had seen the Goose the day before and he looked to be in good health. He was not able to fly, but his wings were developing nicely. Sadly, he was discovered passed away on the golf course, a place where the family liked to hang out during the day. Cause of death is unknown. Whatever the cause, he is sorely missed. While this is not the ending we hoped, this family brought smiles to many and captured hearts with its unconditional love.
The most recent photos and updates will be at the top of this page.
Sunday, November 3rd, 2019
I spotted a Sandhill Crane family forging for food in a spot that was popular for the family that adopted the gosling. The family can be identified by the adult male having a pink bump on its outer left toe. I waited until all the bird tooties came into view, and sure enough this was the family!
Many Sandhill Cranes have already migrated south, although some do stay through the Michigan Winters. This adult pair stayed through the Winter last year (the adult male had the pink bump on his toe even way back then.) Young Cranes learn the migratory route from their parents, so if the parents stay, I imagine the young Crane will as well.
The young Crane forges for his own food, although he still goes to Mom for food at times.
The red crown on his head is really starting to show!

Dad standing guard while the young Crane waits to get food from Mom.

Dad doing some feather maintenance.

The red crown showing through!

Following his family.

Sunday, August 18th, 2019
The Sandhill Crane family was resting in the woods on this Sunday morning. The red crown of the Colt is beginning to peek through!

Saturday, August 17th, 2019
As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw the Sandhill Crane family walking along paved path, poking about for worms. They suddenly ran over to a woman sitting on a blanket. She was tossing them cake. It is not a good idea to feed these birds as they will become aggressive, plus cake — although quite delicious — isn't a healthy food for them.
I mentioned to her that these birds will become aggressive, to which she responded "uh oh, don't tell me that," and then quickly got up to move away from the birds.
A few minutes later a gentleman sat down at a park bench and was approached by the Sandhill Cranes. He busted open a package of peanut butter crackers and put them on the bench, where they were picked up by the parents, and then fed to the Colt. Again, not a great idea. At one point the Colt grabbed the man's hand and began nibbling at it. I wondered if I was going to see the parents attack or the Colt's spear-like beak go through his hand. Luckily neither of these things happened, and the man soon left. I can understand wanting to get close to these beautiful birds, but some people forget they are wild and can be dangerous.
The family took refuge from the heat under the shade of a tree. Grackles were flying in, which the parents ignored but the Colt looked quite interested with their comings and goings. They were still relaxing and preening when I left them to hit the nature trails.

Watching the Grackles fly by.

Sunday, August 11th, 2019
I only saw the family for a couple of minutes as they left the nature trail and went into the woods. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks. The colt is digging for his own food, but still runs to his parents when they offer tasty foodstuffs.

Sunday, July 28th, 2019
The Sandhill Crane colt is doing well, following around his parents on the trails and golf course. I've been hoping to catch him flying again, but I've only seen him striding along with his parents. Everyone looks happy and healthy.

Getting a berry plucked from a bush from mom.

Showing off that wingspan.

Friday, July 26th, 2019
The colt is flying!
I didn't get the greatest shot of him as I wasn't expecting to see the family take off. Instead of heading to their roosting area, they flew over it and landed in the parking lot, about 300 feet away.
The Sandhill Crane parents were approaching people in the parking lot, hoping for handouts (which people are not supposed to give.) The dad saw his reflection in a car bumper, saw it as a rival Sandhill Crane, and went about pecking about it for a bit while the owners of the car tried to talk him out of it.
Flying across the pond!

Dad sees his reflection and attacks what he thinks is another Sandhill Crane.

Monday, July 22nd, 2019
I looked for the Sandhill Crane family that had adopted the Canada Goose both Saturday and Sunday, but didn't see them on the trails. I imagine they were spending the days on the golf course.
On Monday evening I stopped by the park and saw them on a nature trail, much farther down the trail than I had seen them before. They look to be increasing their range without the Goose having to keep up with them on his short little legs.
I really miss that Goose.
I had hoped to see the colt flying, but only once did I see him use his wings as he hopped and flapped after his parents. The last time I saw the colt he was much more active, racing the Goose and doing much more hopping and flapping around. But it could be that the young one has been trying out the wings on the golf course during the day, and by the end of the day, he's a bit tuckered out.
The family was still on a leisurely stroll down the nature trail when I left them. It was nice to see them doing well.

Thursday, July 11th, 2019
The Goose had been missing from the family since Monday evening, so a group of photographers gained permission from the golf course to search for him Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the Goose was found passed away under a tree in the tall grass.
The Crane family did a wonderful job raising the little Goose. He had a Mama that was always close by and watching over him, a Dad that would stand guard and chase away potential threats, and a brother to follow around and race. While this is not the ending we hoped for, this family brought smiles to many and captured hearts with its unconditional love.
Monday, July 8th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two months
When I stopped by the park in the evening, I found the family, but the Canada Goose was not around. I knew it was the correct family as the Dad Crane has a yellow bump on one of his left toes. I had never seen the family without the Goose. I asked around and the last time he was seen was on the golf course earlier that morning.
The family settled in over the night at their usual resting spot, the Goose nowhere to be seen. I stopped by early the following morning, but the goose was still not around.
The Crane family settling into their resting spot for the night.
Sunday, July 7th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two months
The Sandhill Crane family already on the move when I arrived at 6:00 am. Luckily I spotted them as I was pulling into the parking spot. I grabbed my gear and ran over to the family. (Although I did stop along the way to take some photos of a Green Heron along the way, he was posing quite nicely!)
While watching the family, a friendly Northern Cardinal landed in a nearby tree and looked to be hoping for a peanut, so I reached into my bag and held up a few for him. When I did this Mama Crane and the Goose came charging over, so I quickly put the food away and backed away from them. It's pretty clear that these birds have been accustomed to people feeding them (not a good thing, Cranes can do some damage with their spear-like beak.)
The family walked around in the forest for about an hour before making a quick trip to the nature trail. There was a race down the path between the Sandhill Crane colt and the Canada Goose. The Goose stopped first and looked to be strutting around a bit, as if he had won the race.
When running down the path and flapping its wings, the colt is able to get a couple of feet off the ground. Not quite flying but getting awfully close. The Goose looks to have some pin feathers (feathers that are still developing) and has not been able to get much clearance off the ground yet.
After walking the nature trail for about ten minutes, the family headed back deep into the woods.
The young goose nibbling on grass.
The race is on!
The Goose wins. He looks to be tooting his horn about the victory.
Thursday, July 4th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two months
I was once again an early visitor to the park, arriving a little after 6:00 am. I found the Sandhill Crane family with the Sandhill Crane colt and the Canada Goose snoozing, with their parents preening nearby. At one point the Sandhill Crane colt got up from his sleeping spot, walked over to the Canada Goose, and plopped himself down next to him. I've seen the Goose do this, but it's the first time I've spotted the Crane with this behavior.
I left the Sandhill Crane family still sleeping, and didn't see them again until my second stop at the park later that evening. I saw them emerge from the forest, cross the nature trail, and walkover to a berry bush, where Mom and young ones selected a few berries to dine on. Dad Crane was keeping an eye further down the trail, and eventually flew off in that direction. Another pair of Cranes likes to stay in that area, and they may have been too close for his liking. After a few minutes he made his way back, walking down the trail.
The family walked further down the trail for a short bit, and then cut back into the woods where the Goose and the colt sat down for a quick rest. It was only a few minutes before the parents guided them down to the water and into the tall reeds, where I lost sight of them.
The Sandhill Crane colt gets up from his snoozing spot to get closer to his adopted sibling.
Mom standing nearby. Dad was off to the left.
Dad goes on full alert when he hears a chipmunk giving its warning call.
The family dined on fresh berries in the evening.
Heading down the nature trail.
A brave chipmunk was darting around the sitting Goose. The Goose snapped at him when he got a little too close.
Photos taken Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Almost two months
I had been unable to find the Sandhill Crane family with the adopted goose Thursday or Friday. It has been hot and humid these last few days (temps reaching into 80F/27C), so I believed the family was deep in the woods, keeping cool in the shade. Saturday morning I was leading a birding photography workshop, so I got to the park early to see if I could catch them beforehand. I had no luck at 7:00 am, nor after the workshop which ended. Sunday morning I rolled out of bed at 5:30 am, and got to the park at 6:00 am, right when it opened. And I found the family!
They were already on the move, poking about for breakfast. The Mom and Dad were still feeding the young ones, with the colt poking around by himself at times and the young goose nibbling grasses. The goose was not sitting down as much as I've seen him do later in the day.
At one point Dad went on full alert and stretched to his full height, followed quickly by Mom. Both were staring at a tree. Along the side of the tree a baby raccoon was starting right back at them! The Cranes did not flare their wings or hiss, but they did guide the family away from the raccoon family (two other raccoons were higher in the tree.)
At around 7:00 am the Crane parents went further back into the woods, followed closely by the young goose and the colt.
First viewing of the family a little after 6:00 am.
Canada Goose with Mom.
Colt with Dad.
Baby raccoon spotted!
Heading off into the deep woods.
Photos taken Monday, June 24th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One and a half months
The Sandhill Crane family was walking up and down a small portion of the nature trail, occasionally going down to the pond to get a drink and poke about in the mud for food. The Goose did not go deeper into the water to splash around and instead stayed close to the shore. I have heard stories that when the family is bedding down for the night that he'll take 30 minutes or so to paddle around on the pond, so he is still getting some Goose activities in.
At one point the Goose exhibited Sandhill Crane behavior. I've seen young Sandhill Cranes run and hop along the paths flapping their wings; this is a common sight. I watched the Goose do this, running and hopping and flapping along, a perfect impression of a young Sandhill Crane.
The young Goose running and flapping along like a Sandhill Crane.
Grabbing mom's tail feathers.
A Blue Jay flies by the family.
Photos taken Saturday, June 22nd, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One and a half months
I didn't see the Sandhill Crane family at one of their usual spots when I first got to the park, so I tootled around on the trails and stopped by again a couple hours later. The angry ruckus of the Red-winged Blackbirds drew my attention and there was the family, emerging from the reeds around the pond. The Blackbirds are none too fond of the Cranes as the Cranes will eat Blackbird eggs and nestlings.The Sandhill Crane colt and the Canada Goose settled down for a midday nap, with the Goose staying near his Dad. The Dad soon settled down for a snooze himself. The colt was resting near Mom.
After 15 minutes or so, the Goose got up, waddled over to his Sandhill Crane colt brother, plopped himself down right next to him and got back to snoozing.

Photos taken Monday, June 17th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One and a half months
There is a particular patch of long grass that the Sandhill Crane family likes to hang around in. Both the young goose and the colt were resting next to each other in this patch, with the goose occasionally taking nipples of the grasses around him. Mom was nearby preening. Dad was a little ways off, closer to the pond and keeping watch. I've seen him chase off other Cranes that he found to be too close to his family.
At one point the young goose decided he was going to nipple at the colt's feathers. Maybe some allopreening (grooming feathers of another bird)? Or just bugging his brother?
The young goose grabbed the beak of the colt at one point. The colt asked his brother to knock it off (the goose ignored that message because he did it again a short time later.)
I left the family with the goose and the colt still sitting next to each other, with Mom nearby and Dad keeping watch.
Mom preening.

Photos taken Sunday, June 16th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One and a half months
It was a chilly (mid-50F, 10C), rainy Sunday morning. I hadn't seen the Sandhill Crane family on the golf course in a couple of weeks, but it was the spot of choice on this day.
It was raining the entire time but the family didn't seem to mind. I imagine finding worms was especially easy due to the rain driving them to the surface.
The dad crane was feeding the colt, while the mom was feeding the young goose (I feel like he's getting big enough that the term "gosling" may not fit anymore.) When both parents are feeding (as opposed to only mom feeding and dad standing guard), this seems to be the common dynamic.
The family sometimes meandered close to the road and the parents would go on full alert when a car would drive by. As the car passed they would go back to finding food for their young ones.
At one point Mom decided to cross over the fence to the golf course, flying over the fence while her young goose ducked under. Dad soon followed by squeezing between the slats of the fence. The Sandhill Crane colt with its long legs took a bit of time trying to figure out how to get through the fence, walking back and forth while his family was on the other side. He eventually went the same route that his Dad did, stepping through the middle slats. And off they went onto the golf course to spend the rest of their day.

Dad goes on alert when a car drives up along the road.

Photos taken Friday, June 14th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One and a half months
The gosling discovered a rather large puddle and while mom and the colt were poking about for food around the puddle's edge, the gosling decided to take a dip. It wasn't deep enough to paddle around in but the gosling looked quite content.
The gosling's black and white feathers are really starting to show!
The gosling taking a quick dip.
Following mom.
The gosling and the colt both sitting down and having a rest.
Photos taken Sunday, June 9th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One month
On this Sunday morning the Sandhill Crane family decided to hang out on one of the nature trails. It's one of the busiest ones at the park and gets a fair bit of traffic. The gosling sits down when he can (his little goose legs must get tired), and this time he plopped down right at the end of a bridge. People wanting to get by waited for a bit, but when he didn't move, they quickly scooted past him.
The gosling followed them with a few nips at the legs. He's been nipping at shoes and legs quite a bit lately, likely due to the family being fed (which people are not supposed to do.) The gosling gave my leg a few nips but it didn't feel bad; it was like a gentle pinchy massage. But I imagine it's not going to feel the same as he gets bigger!
The black feathers on the gosling are starting to come in.
Sandhill Crane colt waiting for dad to dig up something good.
Gosling sitting by the metal bridge. People were stopped in both directions.
"You can't cross the bridge without paying the toll!" - gosling
Photos taken Saturday, June 8th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One month
The Sandhill Crane family is usually pretty easy to spot with the parents being four feet (1.2 meters) tall. I found the parents and the colt, but the gosling was not to be found. I was starting to get pretty worried — the snapping turtles have taken out countless young birds — but after about 10 minutes (it was an intense 10 minutes) I spotted the fluffy feathers of the gosling! What a relief! He was resting in the tall grass next to his family.
After their midday nap they took to the nature trail, where the gosling took more naps, one under the park bench and one in the middle of the trail (where people were very thoughful and went into the woods to get around him.) I believe the gosling gets tired from all the walking the family does; he needs to take a lot of steps with those little goose legs of his! He has to have the beefiest legs of any gosling around.
The Sandhill Crane family doing some grooming. At this point I hadn't seen the gosling and was worried about what happened to him.
There he is!
Nap time for dad.
"I don't see what my brother likes about these grasses." - Sandhill Crane colt
Having a rest on the nature trail.The young colt's wing. A protective sheath protects the feathers as they mature.
Resting in the middle of the nature trail.
The colt has something to say to his brother.
The gosling has something to say back.
Dad wait for us!
Photos taken Tuesday, June 4th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One month
On this day I had a close encounter with the gosling while I was on the nature trail. A little too close in fact.
I shoot with a 200-500mm lens so I have pretty good reach and don't need to be too close to these birds, but at one point the gosling decided to charge down the nature path at me and attack my shoes! I'm pretty sure this is due to people feeding the family (which people are not supposed to do.) When I refused to give him any food, the gosling bit my calf! At that point I ducked behind a small tree and the gosling ran back to his mom.
The only time the Cranes and the gosling were interested in people was when they were on the nature trail. While in the woods, they were more interesting in eating grasses and poking about for worms. I'm hoping people stop feeding them, it's making a noticeable change in the gosling's behavior.
Besides being chased by a cute chonk of a gosling, the rest of the evening was pretty relaxed with mom and dad feeding both of the little ones.
Photos taken Sunday, June 2nd, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One month
It was a beautiful morning to be at the park!
The gosling has been the most active I've seen him, running about and investigating things he finds interesting (such as tree bark and various grasses.) He'll wander off to check out something, but when he gets too far from his mom, he'll come running to her as fast as his little legs can go.
Photos taken Friday, May 31st, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: One month
After work I stopped by the park and saw Sandhill Crane family along the nature path, enjoying a beautiful Michigan evening.
Unfortunately, someone decided to toss the Cranes and the gosling some birdseed at one point. The Cranes are not supposed to be fed and his response to this was "I know, I don't care." There is a good reason for not feeding the Cranes; they can become quite aggressive. I've already had my camera struck by the sharp bill of a hungry Sandhill Crane this year (thank goodness it was my camera and not my leg!) The good thing that came out of this was that several people voiced concern over his actions, showing that quite a few people care about the well-being of these amazing birds.
A Red-winged Blackbird attacks the dad of the Sandhill Crane family for being too close to a nest. The Crane didn't seem to mind too much.
Waiting for mom to get dinner.
Dad with the rest of the family in the background.
Photos taken Monday, May 27th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Three weeks
If the below photos look a little hazy, it's because there was quite a bit of fog during the time of the shoot. I was at the park early (7:00 am) and the fog had not burned off yet, but the Sandhill Crane family was already out and about.
The gosling was nibbling on moss-covered tree trunks and dried grasses at times. The Sandhill Crane colt tried a few nibbles of grass, but didn't seem to be that into it.
The Sandhill Crane dad was keeping watch over the family while mom was digging up breakfast for the gosling and colt.
The Sandhill Crane colt was nibbling on these tall grasses.
Gosling with dad.
Photos taken Sunday, May 26th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Three weeks
Early Sunday morning I saw the Sandhill Crane mom poking about in the ground for food, but none of the rest of the family was around. I figured they were hidden in the tall grasses of the golf course. Suddenly the gosling popped out of the tall grasses and came charging towards his mom, going as fast as his little goose legs would take him. Once he made it to mom he seemed quite happy.
The gosling and mom strolled back onto the golf course and joined up with dad and the colt.
"Moooooom wait for me!" - Canada Goose gosling
Crossing the fence onto the golf course.
Dad and the colt.
Photos taken Friday, May 24th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Three weeks
Friday evening I stopped by the park to check in on the Sandhill Crane family.
I didn't seem them at first in the park, so I took some time tootling around on the trails. After a couple of hours I saw the family arrive at the water's edge of a small pond.
The parents guided the Sandhill Crane colt and gosling across the pond, which the Red-winged Blackbirds did not like at all. The Blackbirds have nests in the reeds, and they will fiercely defend them. Their attacks did not deter the family from crossing the pond, and no nests were harmed in the crossing.
The family then took some time to poke about for foodstuffs for the little ones and to stroll up and down the nature trail.
"Hi Dad!" - Gosling
Red-winged Blackbirds attack the Sandhill Crane dad for getting too close to their nests in the reeds.
Mom and the colt watching the agitated Red-winged Blackbirds.
Someone's been having a good time in the water!
Those Sandhill Crane colt legs are getting long!
Photos taken Tuesday, May 21st, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two weeks
I was at the park much later than normal, but I did stop by to check on the family and took a photo. Gosling and colt were snuggled up to mom and settled in for the night.
Photos taken Monday, May 20th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two weeks
As I was driving along past the golf course to the parking lot, I saw the Sandhill Crane family along the fence on the golf course. I parked, grabbed my camera and sprinted up the hill to where they were, slowing down before close to them.They were on the move, walking quickly and then deciding to cross the road. Myself and another person were around to check for traffic, and then stood in the road while they crossed.
About 15 minutes later, mom lead them to the nest. The gosling stayed every close to mom while she walked through the water. He was so close he accidentally got kicked a few times by mom! Poor little guy. He was okay.
Once near the nest, the gosling took a few dips in the water, climbed up onto the nest, and then shook himself dry.
They were settling down for the night early, but I wonder if the colder weather (around 50F / 10C) had something to do with it.

Photos taken Sunday, May 19th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt and Canada Goose gosling age: Two weeks
Photographers have been banned from the golf course where the Cranes like to hang out during the day. Which makes sense because 1) photographers might beaned by golf balls (for the record I am totally willing to wear a helmet, armor, etc.) 2) golfers want to play golf (which is fair enough!)
I met a wonderful birder while walking up to the fence of the golf course where the Sandhill Cranes were hanging out. We could see the parents off in the distance, but they were standing in tall grass so that we couldn't see the little ones. Ever since the appearance of snapping turtles I have looking to make sure both the colt and the gosling were around.
After about ten minutes, Mom walked into the shorter grass with the gosling (yay!) The gosling seems to be standing up tall, maybe taking after his brother and parents. A short while later, Dad walked into the shorter grass with the colt (double yay!)
They walked farther away, down a hill were we couldn't see them, but at least we saw them for a short bit.
Not great pictures for this day, but it was great to see them!

Photos taken Friday, May 17th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Twelve days
Canada Goose gosling age: Two weeks
I got to the park just in time; the mom was leading her gosling and colt through the water to their nest a few minutes after I got there. Again the gosling was having a ball in the water, splish splashing around.
The gosling and the colt spent about an hour climbing over mom and getting comfortable. At one point the gosling took a quick dip and went paddling around the pond all by himself. The look the Sandhill Crane mom gave him when he got back made it look like he was in trouble!
The gosling is following mom to the nest, the colt is off to the left.
Getting comfortable.
Gosling taking a quick paddle around the pond.
Looks like someone might in trouble with mom! He snuggled right up to her and all was well.
Photos taken Thursday, May 16th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Eleven days
Canada Goose gosling age: Two weeks
I popped by the park later in the evening to see the Sandhill Crane family. It was right after workout class so I'm sure I looked and smelled great. But no time for a shower, there were birds to see! I watched Mom lead the colt and the gosling through the shallow water to their nest. Once to the nest the colt immediately climbed on top of mom to snuggle down into her wings to get nice and comfy, while the gosling stretched for a bit before joining his brother.
The gosling swam easily after mom, while the Sandhill Crane colt floated and paddled its long legs to follow.
Made it to the nest!
Canada Goose gosling standing tall.
Photos taken May 14th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Nine days
Canada Goose gosling age: Thirteen days
There was some scary news earlier this week. As the Sandhill Crane family was settling down into their nest on the water Tuesday night, it was noticed that two giant snapping turtles were in the area. These turtles have been known to eat numerous cygnets (baby swans.) One of the Cranes flared out its wings to look as menacing as possible to the huge turtles to get them to back off. No one knew what happened to the family overnight.
I was awfully worried to see what I would find come Wednesday. When I got to the park it was a such a relief to see the orange fuzzy colt tootling around, followed by his gosling brother! Both babies made it through the night! I observed mom keeping watch and walking around with them, feeding them worms. Dad showed up later, flying in from a short distance away.
The Sandhill Crane family decided to cross the street to another pond at one point. They were near the crosswalk (smart birds!) but I took a few steps into the crosswalk to help stop traffic for this family.
They made it safely across and waded into a tiny pond, but the Red-winged Blackbirds were not happy about that. These birds will attack Cranes if they go too close to their nest. I can't blame them; the Cranes will eat their eggs and nestlings if given the opportunity. The male Blackbirds were sniping at the Cranes' tail feathers, and I even saw a female Blackbird dive bomb the Cranes. They must've been really close to a nest! The Blackbirds only attacked the parents, the colt and gosling weren't given any attention.
At this tiny pond the gosling looked very happy, paddling around in a tiny circle and dipping underwater. The colt dunked himself into the water as well for a quick bath. Both chicks stayed very close to the shore and to their parents.
I left the family shortly thereafter to look for warblers. I didn't see many of those birds, but I was very happy to have seen this family!
Mom and his gosling brother were walking down the path without him, so this Sandhill Crane chick started peeping to let them know they were going too fast.
"We're coming Mom!"
The gosling was running a little too fast and took a quick tumble to the ground. Luckily it's not too far to fall for the little guy.
The Red-winged Blackbirds were none too happy with the Cranes and were dive bombing them. The Cranes must've been close to a Blackbird nest.
The Sandhill Crane took a quick dip in the pond with his brother.
The gosling was really enjoying the water!
Photos taken May 12th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Seven days
Canada Goose gosling age: Eleven days
The Sandhill Crane family was on the golf course. The colt is already getting some height on the gosling. At one point the young ones had a race; the colt took off running, followed by the gosling waddling behind him with his tiny wings out, going as fast as he could go.
The race between the Sandhill Crane colt and the Canada Goose gosling was on! The Sandhill Crane was in the early lead, but the gosling overtook his brother by waddling as fast as he could. The gosling stretches out his tiny wings in victory!
Photos taken May 10th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Five days
Canada Goose gosling age: Nine days
Photos taken May 8th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Three days
Canada Goose gosling age: Seven days
The Sandhill Crane is hanging out on a golf course with its short and groomed grasses, poking into the ground with their long beaks. The colt is more active and the gosling is being fed and is eating worms. The gosling seemed to get tuckered out at times from all the walking and would sit down to rest.
This bug was too much for the colt to eat and he dropped it.
Photos taken May 7th, 2019
Sandhill Crane colt age: Two days
Canada Goose gosling age: Six days
This was the first time I saw the family! The colt was still learning how to use his legs and took a topple a few times. The gosling was much more active, getting worms from the parents and feeding on grasses. The colt was a little slower getting around and did not seem to be getting as much attention from the parents. I also saw the parents giving small sticks to the colt, which the colt did not eat.
Gosling snuggling up to mom. The colt is hiding under mom, staying warm. It was a little chilly out (about mid 50s F)
The Sandhill Crane colt on left, Canada Goose gosling on right.
"Whatcha got for me mom?" The Sandhill Crane parents have been feeding him worms and grubs, the same food that the colt is getting.
The gosling was pulling up and eating grasses at five days old.